Gold Sponsors

OKAY Industries

Precision Concepts

Spectrum Plastics




Bronze Sponsors

AGQ Labs

BLP Legal

Cretex Medical

David Schnur Associates

Freudenberg Medical







Silver Sponsors

AIP Precision Machining


Cirtec Medical


CRX Life Sciences SA

Impact Plastics

IRP Medical

Medical Component Specialists

Merrill's Packaging


Precision Coating

Specialty Coating Systems

SMD Learning

ThermoFisher Scientific

Supporting Organizations

Coyol Free Zone

Essential Costa Rica

Evolution Free Zone

Medtech Intelligence


Wednesday, May 24
Location: Juan Vasquez de Coronado Ballroom, Costa Rica Marriott Hotel Hacienda Belen
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7:30-10:10 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast
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10:10-10:15 a.m. Welcome Address

  • Howard Revitch, MPO/ODT Group Publisher
  • Sean Fenske, MPO/ODT Editor-in-Chief
10:15-11:00 a.m. Welcome to Costa Rica
An introduction to the medical device manufacturing community within Costa Rica. A look at the region as well as business within the Trade Zones will be highlighted.


  • Pedro Beirute Prada, CEO, PROCOMER
  • Vanessa Gibson, Director of Investment Climate, CINDE
  • Carlos Wong, Chair, Azofras
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Supply Chain Challenges: Addressing Risk and Resiliency
The pandemic revealed just how delicate the medical device supply chain can be. As OEMs reduced the number of suppliers with which they worked, they unknowingly added risk to their formula as the chance of relying too heavily on a few suppliers increased. This panel will discuss the medtech supply chain today and what actions are taking place to help reduce risk while also addressing the need for resiliency.

Moderator: Barry Schnur, President & CEO, David Schnur Associates


  • Oswaldo Álvarez, MBA, Materials Director, Coyol Site, Boston Scientific
  • Rodney Crooks, Vice President Operations—Medical Device Solutions (MDS), Viant
  • Jim McCormack, Senior Global Commodity Manager, Hologic
  • Melissa Víquez Herrera, Global Purchasing Manager, Moog Medical
12:00-1:15 p.m. Networking Lunch
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Viant Medical
1:15-2:00 p.m. Value-Add Auditing—A Paradigm Shift to Drive Value
The announcement is made and you’re filled with fear—you have an audit coming. Immediately, you are dreading the notification and trying to figure out how to get out of it. The intent of this presentation is to provide the paradigm shift that audits can add value through a specific approach. Further, the approach is applicable not only with your suppliers, but also for internal audits as well. Find out how you can add value through the audit process.

Speaker: James Shore, Chief Quality Officer, Quality Lean Solutions

2:00-2:45 p.m. Regulatory Revisions and Their Real-World Impact on You
While the title may be boring, the discussion will not. The regulatory requirements for legal and contract manufacturers continue to shift and increase across different countries; thus, increasing expectations mean increased workloads. In this session, we will review the MDR changes that seem to be “taking it up a notch” on tech file/dossier preparation, supplier quality, and other key issues requiring more planning or testing for the legal and contract manufacturers. We will discuss recent updates to certain FDA guidances, EUA transitions, and the ISO 13485 potential. Lastly, some lessons learned and take home pointers will be given on how to be more prepared for MDSAP audits.

Speaker: Dawn N. Norman, MS, Partner, MRC Global LLC

2:45-4:00 p.m. Networking Break
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4:00-5:00 p.m. Moving Manufacturing: Nearshoring, Transfer Concerns, and What to Expect
Logistics troubles and rising costs have medical device manufacturers reevaluating from where they are sourcing supplies and how far they are shipping them. Further, changes in labor availability and behavior adds to the equation. In this panel, OEMs and suppliers will discuss the challenges and considerations associated with nearshoring. Also involved will be a conversation regarding the transfer of manufacturing and the associated revalidation process.

Moderator: Ronald Lachner, Senior Partner, BLP Legal


  • Roy Calderon, General Manager and Site Leader, ATL Technology
  • Dora Soto Herrera, Supply Chain Sr. Manager, Bayer Medical SRL
  • Tim Steele, CEO, Founder, & Owner, MicroSpec Corp.
  • Michael Tucci, CEO, Micro Technologies
  • Alexander Unfried, Plant Manager, Terumo Cardiovascular
5:00-7:00 p.m. Networking Reception
Join attendees, speakers, and exhibitors for drinks and hors d’oeuvres during an evening reception. Take advantage of the setting for networking and conversation with peers within the medtech manufacturing industry.

Sponsored by:EvolutionCoyol Free Zone

* All session times, speakers, and content are subject to change.
Thursday, May 25
Location: Juan Vasquez de Coronado Ballroom, Costa Rica Marriott Hotel Hacienda Belen
7:30-9:00 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast

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9:00-9:45 a.m. Creating Flow and Empowering Employees to Achieve Medtech Manufacturing Efficiency
Creating flow in complex customer delivery systems with a high complexity of products, demand, and shared resources can be challenging. In this session, Maxon will show attendees how to apply advanced lean principles to create a value stream of multiple product flows at the pull of the customer with a step-by-step process. He will cover determining true product families in complex manufacturing environments; calculating takt time and takt capability for a mix of products with different volumes; determining the interval at the pacemaker for a mix of products; and understanding new concepts on sequencing, such as FIFO lanes and offset scheduling. Real-world case studies of complex manufacturing operations that have gone beyond basic value stream mapping to create a future state that supports mixed model production will help illustrate the points. The result is a process that will right size inventory, increase on-time delivery, and improve quality to yield a competitive advantage and increased market share.

Speaker: Michael Maxon, Senior Associate, Duggan Associates

9:45-10:30 a.m. Logistics Challenges & Opportunities for the Medical Devices Sector
The pandemic and subsequent supply chain restart and stoppage has led to a significant disruption in the flow of product from source to manufacturing facilities. Exacerbating the situation is challenges within the logistics space, from a shortage of labor to handle ports to shipping delays. This session will provide insight into these challenges within the logistics industry and set realistic expectations of what medtech manufacturers can expect. In addition, the trends, what the current happenings are, and how to prepare for any changes will be covered.


  • John Bernardi, Senior Executive Advisor, Latin America Region, Nippon Express
  • Tattiana Cruz, Commercial Manager South Cone Cenam, Grupo Tical
10:30-11:30 a.m. Networking Break
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TekniPlex Healthcare
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Ask the Experts: Revealing Sourcing Strategies and Best Practices
Sourcing supplies, raw materials, and components for medical device manufacturing seems to have become more of a challenge than ever before. Questions swirl around dual-sourcing, nearshoring, expanding/shrinking preferred vendor lists, outsourcing, insourcing, and more. Hearing from those who have been doing this for some time can help provide best practices. This session will assemble a panel of those with experience in sourcing to share some tips and expertise.

Moderator: Lucia Gross, Life Sciences Sectoral Consultant


  • Ruben Drávai, Procurement Director, Coloplast
  • Todd Mahaney, Director of Global Procurement, MicroVention Inc.
  • Bernal Rodríguez, CEO, ITEK
  • Richard Warren, Chief Commercial Officer, Medical Manufacturing Technologies Inc. (MMT)
12:30 p.m. End of Conference
* All session times, speakers, and content are subject to change.